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7 Ways Business Intelligence Can Revolutionize Your Business


Let's face the facts: Business Intelligence (BI) is quite a phenomenon. It is one of the fastest-growing areas that's helping businesses transform by taking informed decisions.

On the 3rd of January 2022, Sage Journals released a case study in the Journal of Information Technology. It went on how Coffee Refresh is incorporating business intelligence into their production process and how they want to build on it by the end of 2022. The franchise has been dealing with an issue of slow approval of processes with a number of pending approvals, which resulted in losses ranging from 4.8 percent to 16.5 percent and branch closures ranging from 2% to 7%, all of which could have been prevented. This gave a fantastic chance to incorporate BI into their workflow, which the manager took advantage of. Processes are now cleared much more quickly than they were previously, which is a victory for the franchise.

The above case study is a perfect example of how businesses could leverage BI to reform. BI software combines all the data coming from multiple sources (think spreadsheets, databases, and mobile apps) into simple dashboards that can be relied upon by any user within an organization.

Its simplicity doesn’t mean it's only suited for smaller or mid-tier companies. The corporations and giant business houses with huge IT support staff also require a BI arm to derive intelligence out of huge pile of data generated everyday.

In this article, you will find out what exactly is BI and how can it reform your Business in 2022:

What is Business Intelligence?

Business Intelligence (BI) refers to the strategies, tools, and technologies used to extract data and transform it into useful information. It assists companies find new possibilities, making better decisions, optimizing internal business processes, boost revenue, and cut costs.

Data gathered from your business operations can be analyzed using analytical techniques such as online analytical processing (OLAP), data mining, and predictive analytics. Analyzing this data will give you access to insights into your customers' buying habits so that you can improve the quality of the customer experience.

Business intelligence also aids in the analysis of industry trends and consumer preferences, allowing you to make informed product development and marketing campaign decisions. Business owners can use tools like Power BI or Qlikview to perform activities without having any technical background in programming languages such as R or Python. If you've been having trouble making strategic decisions, this might be what you need!

How does BI reform Businesses?

Business Intelligence helps in high-level planning.

How does Business Intelligence help in high-level planning?It enables you to examine your organization's data, which provides you with a larger picture and a more holistic view of your business. This feature allows you to make more accurate and strategic decisions, which will boost your bottom line. It also helps with effective collaboration and communication within the organization, helping employees come together and work towards a common goal—your firm's success.

BI also aids you in making better decisions by highlighting what is working well and what needs improvement in your company. You can learn from past mistakes as well as celebrate past successes. By providing all of this information at your fingertips, Business Intelligence makes it easier than ever before to make better choices for your firm so that it continues to grow and thrive in today's competitive market.

BI helps with effective collaboration and communication within the organization.

BI can help create a secure environment where employees can easily share data and information. They exchange precise facts, allowing them to make the best judgments possible. It can also help you in understanding business strategy and goals. With this technology, you can analyze how well your organization is performing in meeting its objectives and what areas need to be improved.

BI can also help to streamline internal processes. It makes the job easier for the employees by providing them with all the necessary information at their fingertips, thus increasing productivity at work. The most important role of Business Intelligence software is that it helps to improve customer service. You can use BI tools such as dashboards and reports to understand your customers better and provide them with good services accordingly.

Better decision support.

Decision support is the core component of BI. This feature enables users to access data-driven insights generated through KPIs, periodical reports, and dashboards. It can assist you in recognizing your company's patterns and potential growth opportunities. With real-time data at your disposal, you can ensure informed decision-making with immediate results.

Fixed costs

Some costs in business transactions remain constant regardless of production volume. These are called fixed costs. For example, if you open a bakery, the cost of labor is fixed - no matter how many pastries you make or sell, your bakers and sales clerks need their wages and salaries. Similarly, the cost of rent in your shop will stay the same no matter how many magnolia cookies you end up selling over a given period. As a business owner, you need to know which costs are constant and which change with growth.

Data-driven insights

The most crucial part of business intelligence is data-driven insights, something BI can deliver. With BI, you can take advantage of a data-driven strategy. However, companies don't understand how BI gives them the power to make better decisions for their organizations. Improved procedures and better revenue are the results of making the correct selections.

Improves Organizational Productivity;

Business Intelligence is a powerful tool that helps you analyze the data collected from your firm. BI can help improve organizational productivity in several ways. Here are some of them:

  • It helps streamline processes by providing the information at the right time to make decisions.
  • It makes business processes more efficient by creating automated dashboards, reports, and alerts.
  • It leads to fewer errors as they are detected early with the help of BI
  • It helps cut costs by eliminating the need for manual data gathering and reporting

Accuracy in Forecasting

Accurate forecasting is essential to driving critical business decisions. It lets you know when, where and how much inventory should sell. By having forecast accuracy, you can reallocate resources to areas that are proven to work and not waste money on initiatives that do not yield results.

Business intelligence solutions help businesses determine the value of their products by providing them with a comprehensive view of how their customers interact with their services. The data collected through this method helps companies make better decisions about which products to focus on and where they should invest their time and money to increase profits.


Business Intelligence has now become a mainstay. In today's business world, it is hard to imagine an organization that does not make use of Business Intelligence in some way or the other. The end product of using BI tools should be a helpful decision-making process that is more profitable than one based on intuition/feelings alone.

Business intelligence tools will provide every level of a company with what it needs to grow and succeed. BI technology has already been called a necessity for survival in today's business world by some of today's largest businesses, and that statement looks to be more true all the time.

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