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How to Leverage Intelligent Process Automation in your Business


Let's face it. The world of cloud-based automation and artificial intelligence (AI) is vast and inviting. And, you know what? We're here to help you navigate it! We've put together this helpful guide to help you succeed with intelligent automation. So read on, then get ready to dig in! In a recent Deloitte survey, 74% of participants said they were using RPA, often known as "intelligent automation." And it makes sense why, given that these organizations anticipate a decline of between 31 and 70 percent in the price of supported procedures.

Intelligent automation seems like a fad. In truth, it's nothing more than another way to improve efficiency and quality by automating tasks that humans have traditionally performed. Intelligent automation can be applied in any industry and company type, but the benefits are most obvious in those that rely on manual work. Automation has received a bad rap due to its association with industrial robots and other high-tech solutions that seem far removed from the office environment—particularly since AI hasn't budged off into the world of human-to-human interactions yet (if it ever will). However, when done properly and with consideration for your existing systems and processes, intelligent automation can make your business more productive while saving time and money by eliminating wasted steps throughout your day-to-day operations.

Begin by improving your processes.

The first step in improving your processes is to understand the current process. Identify the steps in your current process, make a list of all involved parties, create a map of this entire system, and consider where you could improve it.

Next, look for tools that help visualize processes:

  • A tool like [Xero] can be used as an interface between data sources and users who need to interact with them (e.g., invoices). This allows people with different skill sets access to information quickly without having to learn special coding languages or workflows themselves. You might also consider using [Salesforce] if you have multiple teams working on different aspects of your business activities (e..g., marketing vs IT).

Develop a governance strategy

Governance is the process of setting the rules and standards for the use of resources. It's a way of managing risk, ensuring that the right people are involved in decision-making, and measuring your effectiveness.

The first step in implementing governance strategies is to hire someone who will oversee day-to-day operations by following guidelines laid out by your company's policies and procedures. However, you should also consider outsourcing some of these responsibilities to external parties so they can focus on improving internal processes instead of spending their time on mundane tasks like filing paperwork or doing office maintenance work (which we're all guilty of). This can be done through automation tools like artificial intelligence assistants (or "bots") which help automate repetitive tasks so humans don't ever have to be bored out there!

Choose the right technology providers

When choosing a technology provider, look for one that understands your business. A good partner will have experience in your industry and can help you understand how the technology they provide will fit into your overall strategy.

  • Understand what data is needed: Your provider should be able to describe the types of information they use to make decisions and improve processes. If they don't have enough insight into this area, then it's hard for them to recommend solutions that are right for you.
  • Understand how their solutions work together: Some companies use multiple tools within their workflow; others may only need one or two specific tools to achieve their goals properly. Either way, it's important for providers who want customers' confidence (and money) that they know how each component interacts with all other components for everything else—including compliance requirements—to run smoothly without issue!

Get to know your data

The first step to getting your data in order is understanding what it's used for. Once you've identified the goals of your intelligent automation program, ask yourself: Is there a better way to achieve them? If so, how can we use our existing data or integrate new sources of information into our programs? For example:

  • How can I use audio recordings from meetings instead of handwritten notes?
  • Which websites should my website visitors see when they visit me online?

Rethink process design

Process design is about understanding the business process and then creating a digital process that replicates it. It’s also a critical component of intelligent automation, which means you need to plan for how you can use RPA and AI together to drive customer value.

Process design involves more than just automating existing processes; it involves finding better ways of doing them—and making sure your team is on board from the start. You need to consider not only what tools and technology providers you have available today but also how they can help with process design as well. If your organization has never used automation before, now might be an opportune time for trial runs with different tools so that everyone gets comfortable with their use early on when possible!

Create a central repository of information.

You should also consider creating a central repository of information. This can help you to identify inefficient processes and make them more efficient, as well as provide useful information for your employees. The best way to get started with this is by using Google Forms, which allows you to collect data from multiple sources into one spreadsheet.

You may want to think about how much time it would take for each employee if they were doing it manually instead of automated so that they know what changes need to be made for their current job responsibilities to be fully automated before implementing any new automation strategies into their workflow. If the process takes longer than expected because there are too many steps involved or if scaling becomes difficult due to too many customizations being made daily (e g: adding personal preferences), then this means there's room for improvement within our current system design!

Visualize all steps in the business process.

When you’re visualizing all steps in the business process, it helps to use a flowchart. A flowchart can be used to identify all the steps in your process, as well as all the decision points (such as whether or not an action should be automated). Flowcharts are also useful for documenting processes and understanding bottlenecks in them.

Flowcharts are effective because they visually show how things work together and how they fit into each other. They show which parts of a process can be automated and which cannot.

Implement One Platform to Start.

The first step in implementing intelligent automation is to choose one platform to start with. Don’t try to implement everything at once, and don’t be overwhelmed by the number of platforms available. Instead, focus on what you want to achieve with automation—improving processes that are inefficient or ineffective—and make sure you have the right tools for doing so.

Remember that technology is an enabler rather than a solution; it can help your employees perform better and take better care of customers by making their jobs easier and more efficient, but it will never replace them entirely. If your company doesn't have enough employees who understand how technology works or why they should use it effectively, then consider hiring them (or incentivizing those who already know their way around computers). If we take this advice seriously:

  • Make sure they're engaged in decision-making processes through open communication channels like surveys & feedback loops
  • Provide ample training opportunities as well as access points to existing resources such as digital libraries

Leverage Your Employee Engagement.

The people who will be using your automation system need to be involved in the process. They need to feel like they're part of something bigger than themselves, and they want to be able to use their inventions daily. This means that if you want people engaged with intelligent automation software, then you'll have to engage them with all aspects of your company's goals and vision—including its culture and values.

If your organization has employees who aren't invested in these things already, then there isn't much chance for success with intelligent automation systems (or any other type). It doesn't matter how good or bad an idea may seem if no one is interested in working towards achieving those goals or visions; it will just sit there collecting dust until someone eventually comes along who does care about what happens next!

Improving inefficient processes is an important step toward employing intelligent automation.

Improving inefficient processes is an important step toward employing intelligent automation. This can be achieved by starting with the right process, using a single source of information, and creating and managing efficient processes.

  • Start with the right process: You should start by improving what you have in place rather than trying to create something new from scratch. This means looking at how your current processes work, how they could be improved, and what changes would benefit your organization the most. Once you have identified these improvements, it’s time to apply them!
  • Use one source of information: The biggest mistake I see companies make when implementing intelligent automation is having multiple sources of data (e.g., customer complaints) but not using them all together as one system connecting all these different sources so they can be used effectively by different departments within an organization such as sales or marketing; this leads me into my next point...


Intelligent automation is an exciting new way of engaging customers and employees. It can be used to improve processes, increase productivity and profitability, and even lower costs. However, implementing intelligent automation takes time and effort. You’ll need to start by improving your processes, creating a central repository of information, visualizing all steps in the business process, and then implementing one platform to start. Finally, leveraging employee engagement helps make sure everyone understands their roles within your organization so that they can take advantage of these new opportunities as well!

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