ACI Case Studies - Global Technology Services

Creating a Cutting-Edge Visual Recognition App for a Prestigious Automotive Brand

Written by ACI Info | January 11, 2024 at 9:36 AM


In the realm of opulence and automotive excellence, our end customer stands as a beacon of unparalleled luxury and innovation. A multinational powerhouse in the manufacturing of luxury vehicles, this esteemed company boasts an annual revenue that transcends the €50 billion mark. Renowned for its commitment to crafting automotive masterpieces that redefine elegance and performance, our client has consistently set the benchmark for the industry. In the pursuit of advancing its technological prowess, the company has embarked on a transformative journey to enhance the customer experience through the development of cutting-edge solutions. This endeavor includes the creation of a bespoke Image Recognition Mobile App, poised to elevate the brand's engagement with its discerning clientele and usher in a new era of sophistication in the luxury automotive landscape. 


The luxury vehicle manufacturer faced a significant hurdle in its post-sales customer services, where access to essential features such as dynamic route guidance and stolen vehicle locator required vehicle owners to navigate a cumbersome process. Registering for these services entailed signing up on three separate websites, involving an intricate 20-step procedure that consumed over 2 hours of users' time. This convoluted registration process resulted in a substantial number of customers abandoning the effort, leading to a decline in customer satisfaction, incomplete customer information, and revenue losses from untapped paid services. To address this issue, the manufacturer sought a solution to streamline and expedite the vehicle registration process, enhancing user experience and maximizing the utilization of premium services.